Kimitake's Page

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Hello, world. My name may or may not be Kimitake. I have decided to make myself a bona fide Neocites page.

I recently bought myself a half-decent PC, so I'm back to using the computer more often. And my head is just full of so many thoughts; I feel compelled to share them with you all.

Do bear in mind I did cut corners when buying my keyboard and I really have to struggle to get some keys to work, so I guess expect delays there.

I already have a diary of my own. A great catalog of my sordid tales and embarrassing anecdotes. And incidentally a Twitter account. Hopefully I'll find some time for this place.

I also look forward to cutting my teeth on some HTML and CSS. This computer stuff eludes me, honestly.

But that's about it for now. I'm honestly just some guy. A silly little guy. And I look forward to building on here.

Bye for now. I've gotta go buy myself a cup of coffee and go to the gym.

January 30, 2023. 1941 EST

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